The Shannon index, sometimes referred to as the Shannon-Wiener Index or the Shannon-Weaver Index,[1] is one of several diversity indices used to measure diversity in categorical data. It is simply the Information entropy of the distribution, treating species as symbols and their relative population sizes as the probability.
This article treats its use in the measurement of biodiversity. The advantage of this index is that it takes into account the number of species and the evenness of the species. The index is increased either by having additional unique species, or by having a greater species evenness.
The "Shannon-Weaver" name is a misnomer; apparently some biologists jumped to the conclusion that Warren Weaver, author of an influential preface to the book form[2] of Claude Shannon's 1948 paper[3] founding information theory, was a cofounder of this theory. Weaver did play a crucial role in the rapid postwar development of information theory in a different way, however; as an influential early administrator of the Rockefeller Foundation, he ensured that the first information theorists received generous research grants. Norbert Wiener had no hand in the index either, although his influential popularisation of cybernetics was often conflated with information theory in the 1950s.
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Typically the value of the index ranges from 1.5 (low species richness and evenness) to 3.5 (high species evenness and richness),[4] though values beyond these limits may be encountered. Because the Shannon Index gives a measure of both species numbers and the evenness of their abundance, the resulting figure does not give an absolute description of a site's biodiversity. It is particularly useful when comparing similar ecosystems or habitats, as it can highlight one example being richer or more even than another. There is always the need to inspect the data or use another index to unpack the true reasons for the difference.
where S is the total number of species and is the frequency of the th species (the probability that any given individual belongs to the species, hence p).
It can be shown that for any given number of species, there is a maximum possible , which occurs when all species are present in equal numbers.
An alternative form is
The second half of this version is a correction factor.
The following will prove that any given population will have a maximum Shannon Index if and only if each species represented is composed of the same number of individuals.
Expanding the index:
Now, let's define Clearly, since is a positive constant for a given population size, and is also a constant, then maximizing is equivalent to maximizing .
Let's split an arbitrarily sized population into two groups, with each group receiving an arbitrary number of individuals and an arbitrary number of species. Now, within each group, each species has the same number of individuals as any other species in that group, but the number of individuals per species in the first group may be different from the number of individuals per species in the second group.
Now, if it can be proven that is maximized when the number of individuals per species in the first group matches the number of individuals per species in the second group, then it has been proved that the population has a maximum index only when each species in the population is evenly represented. doesn't depend on the total population. So may be built by simply adding the indices of two sub-populations. Since the population size is arbitrary, this proves that if you have two species (the smallest number that can be considered two groups), their index is maximized if they are present in equal numbers. So the rules of mathematical induction have been satisfied.
Now, divide the species into two groups. Within each group, the population is evenly distributed among the species present.
To find out which value of will maximize , we must find the value of which satisfies the equation:
Now by applying the definitions of and , we get
Now we have accomplished the proof that the Shannon index is maximized when each species is present in equal numbers (see #Strategy). But what is the index in that case? Well, , so Therefore: